


In 1988 the Jesse L Brown visited Israel.  These pictures were taken there by Kenneth Patrick.


Haifa_Overview.jpg (124015 bytes) JLB_AS_DIV.jpg (51518 bytes)
Haifa AS Division Patch
Catherine_Church.jpg (101710 bytes) Jeru_Wall.jpg (99489 bytes)
St. Catherine The Wall of Jerusalem
Mount_Olives_Church.jpg (112205 bytes) Nativity_BirthSpot.jpg (112991 bytes)
Mount Olives Nativity Birth Spot
Nativity_Church_Rules.jpg (177680 bytes) Nativity_Jesus_Disciples.jpg (91548 bytes)
Nativity Church Rules Nativity Church painting of Disciples
Nativity_Map.jpg (125144 bytes) Nativity_Vases.jpg (159035 bytes)
Nativity Church Map Nativity Church Vases
Wailing_Wall.jpg (125244 bytes) Wailing_Wall_2.jpg (115176 bytes)
Wailing Wall Wailing Wall

